GWR 45xx

The 45XX series of Prairie Tank locomotives designed by Churchward and built in 2 batches 1906-1915 and 1924-1927.
They were a development of the smaller 4400 class which had smaller driving wheels.
They could be found all over the Western Region on branch line and pilot duties.

BR number series 4500-4574.

Last Locomotive withdrawn in 1963.

3 have been preserved.

The 45xx sounds have been recorded from the prototype.


‘O’ Gauge v5 (Dapol/Lionheart) has different settings.

00 Gauge for Hornby and Dapol

Hornby and Dapol have different settings

Please choose carefully which decoder type.

Please choose carefully which decoder type and locomotive preference.

Video best viewed in full screen, press ‘esc’ to exit

O Gauge locomotive

Decoders come with a sugar cube speaker kit as standard, alternate speakers HERE

GWR 45xx

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